Monday, May 26, 2008

I had to leave my baby there for a couple of days!!

I had to leave my MacBook with Apple yesterday maybe until Tues or Wed! DH asked me if I wanted to call and check on I'd last night! LMAO

It has a very common crack on the area where the wrist rests. Apparently it happens a lot with the Macbook and luckily I have Applecare. Anyway, my options until I get it back are my (cracked) iPhone or the dinosaur eMac since DH is out of town with his laptop. Sigh, life is rough.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My heart is broken

I dropped my iPhone this morning and the screen is all cracked! WAAHHHHHH It still works, but MAN this sucksss!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Wow, another Duggar on the way.,0,2119402.story

Whoops! I ruined yet ANOTHER surprise!

I went into our banking online (I rarely do this) to check and see if we got our stimulus payment. We did...YAY...but I also saw where DH went shopping for my Mother's Day present, and by the place, I know what he bought. I always ruin his surprises inadvertently. It didn't occur to me! Anyway, i wanted to email him that we got it, but then he'll know I looked and he'll know that I know, so to be nice to him, I emailed him and asked DID WE GET IT? DID WE GET IT? because we were expecting it today. LMAO WHOOPS