Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OPI "Breathe Life" Limited Edition Polish Giveaway

This particular giveaway is near and dear to my heart. OPI has partnered with the Lung Cancer Foundation of America to "Nail the Message" and raise awareness and promote early detection of lung cancer. As someone who had a loved suffer with lung cancer, this matters to me. This isn't a "free sample" that I received from OPI. I purchased more than one of these because OPI has contributed a sizeable donation to LCFA and hopes to use this campaign to spread the word and get salons to do "Salon Days" where they give a percentage of the price for their services back to LCFA. Some are already doing this, which is fabulous!

According to the LCFA, “Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer of women. It kills more than the 6 next largest cancer killers combined."

With figures like that, it IS time to raise awareness and protect our health!

So...to show my support for OPI & LCFA's Awareness Campaign, I am giving away a brand new bottle of this fabulous Limited Edition spring color "Breathe Life" to one lucky winner!

Visit the Lung Cancer Foundation of America website and come back and tell us a surprising fact about lung cancer, if your life has been touched by lung cancer, and what you are doing to stay healthy.

1. You get an extra entry if you "Follow Me" on Twitter

2. Additional entry if you TWEET about this giveaway. Post a link to the Tweet here. You can Tweet this contest for an entry ONCE A DAY for more chances!

3. Additional entry if you join my FACEBOOK GROUP

4. Another extra entry if you Grab My Button and put it in the sidebar on your website.

5. And yet ANOTHER entry if you link to me on your blog (please post a link to this).
section is your favorite.

6. You get TEN (10) extra entries if you DONATE any amount to the LCFA.

Be sure to create individual comments for each of the above that you've done or you won't get the extra entries.

Giveaway ends 5/17/09


Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

Lung cancer is the nation's leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women. --- I didn't know that.

I haven't been touched by lung cancer, but I have via other cancers. I don't smoke which is how I help my lungs!

pookielocks at ymail dot com

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...




Unknown said...

My dad actually has stage 4 lung cancer. It is very hard to detect it early. I learned that Every 2 1/2 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with lung cancer and every 3 minutes someone in the United States will die from lung cancer. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I follow on twitter. 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...

tweeted. 1amypugmire is my username. don't know how to link. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Lindsay said...

Every 2 1/2 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with lung cancer and every 3 minutes someone in the United States will die from lung cancer.

I have not been touched by lung cancer.

I exercise regularly, eat healthy and avoid second hand smoke!

frugalfab at gmail dot com

Katrina said...

I learned that:

In 2008 it is projected lung cancer will kill three times as many men as prostate cancer and twice as many women as breast cancer.

Anonymous said...

One in 13 men and one in 16 women will develop lung cancer in their lifetime. This includes smokers and non-smokers.

A good friend of ours passed from lung cancer 3 years ago. Never smoked a day in her life and was a health nut too. So lung cancer doesn't discriminate.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter: barterbabe

Anonymous said...

https://twitter.com/Barterbabe/status/1646878958 tweeted

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on Facebook:
Barter Bengall

Maggie Smith said...

this past November, my grandpa died of lung cancer. They didn't catch it until it had spread to his bones and brain!! I sure miss him. Thousands of dollars have been donated in his name to support this great cause. Thank you for your support. I'd be honored to win.


Maggie Smith said...

I follow you on Twitter. Royaldixie

Maggie Smith said...

I'm a facebook fan. Maggie Smith

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that In 2008 Lung Cancer claimed more lives than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and melanoma cancers - COMBINED.

Paige said...

its the nations leading cancer death. Yes Lung cancer is touching me right now. My very dear uncle is dying from lung cancer that has spread to every organ. This Saturday we are through him a 54th birthday party that we ALL know will be his LAST :( I am currently trying to QUIT smoking......which as we all know (esp me being a nurse) is the #1 cause of lung cancer.

stormvikki said...

I was amazed at how high the cancer rate is for lung cancer. Scary for nonsmokers.

Stefanie Hartman said...

I was surprised to learn that lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths for both me and women. My grandpa and all of his brothers died of lung cancer. To stay healthy, my family, doesn't smoke and we stay away from second hand smoke. We are lucky that in NY there's no smoking in all public places. Blessings, Stefanie Hartman fhartman@frontiernet.net

Stefanie Hartman said...

follow you on Twitter id keepsakebaby fhartman@frontiernet.net

Stefanie Hartman said...

tweeted id keepsakebaby

keepsakebabyhttp://thingsmomslike.com OPI "Breathe Life" Limited Edition Polish Giveaway


Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

following you on twitter:


Vi (pronounced Vy) said...



Anonymous said...

It saddens me that lung cancer is underfunded and under-researched. My aunt died approximately two years ago from lung cancer. I personally do not smoke nor do I allow my children to be near ANY second hand smoke.


Anonymous said...

The survival rate for lung cancer is 49% for cases detected when the disease is still localized; however, only 16% of lung cancers are diagnosed at this early stage.

By the time my brother in law's lung cancer was detected, he was already at stage 4. Less than four months later, the lung cancer killed him. Please, don't smoke or quit if you already do. And don't wait to see a doctor if you think there's a problem. I still can't believe he's gone.

Anne L.

dctm said...

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women.
While I have never had a family member pass away from lung cancer, I still do not smoke and never have

dctm at bellsouth dot net

lawyergirl said...

Lung cancer is the nation's leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women.

I try to stay healthy with exercise and staying away from smokers. I have never smoked but my dad did. Thankfully he no longer does

JeansandTs said...

The survival rate for lung cancer is 49% for cases detected when the disease is still localized; however, only 16% of lung cancers are diagnosed at this early stage. My Aunt and then Uncle both died of smoking and lung cancer. I quit smoking in 2004 to help me save my lungs health. JeansandTs@hotmail.com

Sweepstakes Advantage said...

My wife stopped smoking and I am proud of her. I found you listed on Sweepstakes Advantage, www.sweepsadvantage.com.

Michele P. said...

my dad passed away this Valentines Day of Lung Cancer :( he was a heavy smoker, and although he was doing chemo and all, he just couldn't manage to survive it.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Beccy said...

My husband's best friend died of lung cancer, at the age of 32, when our newborn son was 9 days old. Our friend Josh never smoked a day in his life, and left behind a 12-year-old daughter (she is now 16). We have been involved in trying to find the environmental factors that may have led to his cancer. :(

Cancer sucks. Oh and I am totally on your Facebook group girl.

-Beccy (find me on MD chica)

Lisa said...

One in 16 women (smokers and non-smokers) will develop lung cancer. I've never been touched by lung cancer, but a good amount of people I know do smoke. I remember reading a statistic that one breath of secondhand smoke decreases four minutes of your life, so I try to stay healthy by eating healthy, especially vegetables that fight carcinogens.

melissa said...

lung cancer scares me. i'm doing mailings for american lung association. it's an important issue for me, too. it hasn't effected me, luckily. but, i'm an ex-smoker and lung cancer...shivers...

melissa said...

http://twitter.com/rockdrool tweet

melissa said...

and YOU are ALREADY on my sidebar.

throuthehaze said...

Lung cancer is the nation's leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The survival rate for lung cancer is 49% for cases detected when the disease is still localized; however, only 16% of lung cancers are diagnosed at this early stage.

petteytiffany@yahoo.com said...

lung cancer is bad killed my grandma, grandpa, and thers...i still smoke but not by people because second hand smoke is said to kill too. i even shoo the dog away when i light up ps thanks for the giveaway

petteytiffany@yahoo.com said...

tweeter twitter follower

petteytiffany@yahoo.com said...

tweeted here http://twitter.com/SWAGBUCKSIGNUP/status/1771288344

lemonsong said...

That lung cancer kills more people every year than the 'big' ones combined. That's startling. My life hasn't been touched by lung cancer yet. I'm so sorry to those it has. :(

Anonymous said...

Every 2 1/2 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with lung cancer.

My FIL died of lung cancer in November 2000. My youngest daughter never got to meet him and my oldest was only an infant at the time.

We try to encourage others around us to stop smoking.

Jessica said...

I had no idea that Lung cancer is the nation's leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women... I haven't been personally touched by it, but by many other types.

jessbedard7 at gmail dot com

Heather said...

Here's my tweet


- and I blogged about it too.


Joined the Facebook group too.

Off to put the button up.

Truly a great website! So glad you found me on Twitter!

Heather said...

Forgot my fact!

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Defense earmarked no money for lung cancer research in 2007.

That's really really sad. :(

Ali Holt said...

leading cause of cancer deaths for men and women...gosh! Thats scary.


Ali Holt said...

i follow you on twitter!


Ali Holt said...

I joined your facebook group!


Ali Holt said...

ive got your button on my sidebar!


Amanda L. said...

I can't believe that lung cancer is so common! According to the site, every 3 minutes, one person actually dies from lungs cancer. That's pretty severe...

No one around me has experienced lung cancer, but there are some with asthma. I don't smoke and won't in the future because I hate the smell.

amanda.kana.lo at live.ca

sarah buki said...

someone dies of lung cancer every three minutes in america. and i never realized that its the leading cancer in women. wow. glad i don't smoke! My sister does and I keep trying to get her to quit but its a nasty habit!

sabeckstrom at yahoo dot com

pestkaj said...

I learned that Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

I haven't lost anyone to lung cancer, but have friends who have.

I stay helthy by watching my eating habits and walking


pestkaj said...

I follow on twitter as pestkaj

pestkaj said...

i joined your facebook group (j.pestka)

Unknown said...

In 2008 it is projected lung cancer will kill three times as many men as prostate cancer and twice as many women as breast cancer---so scary and also sad that you don't hear about lung cancer as much as other cancers.

I have been affected. My grandpa was diagnosed last September. He had been a smoker most of his life. He noticed a cough and blamed it on allergies...finally went to the dr and has very advanced lung cancer. He is still alive and remains so positive. I admire him for his strength!

I quit smoking almost 3 years ago cold turkey. I exercise, eat plenty of fruits and veggies and avoid second hand smoke for me and my family as much as possible.

GREAT giveaway and thank you for bringing awareness!

Unknown said...

I follow you :)

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter!


Kimberly Kihega said...

every 3 minutes someone in the United States will die from lung cancer..that's amazing. To stay healthier I should probably quit smoking!

Diana D said...

Every 2 1/2 minutes someone is diagnosed with lung cancer. I gave up smoking years ago and I try to exercise daily. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

bboyle said...

I learned that 60% of new lung cancer diagnoses will be in non-smokers.

AmyLynn said...

I was very shocked to read that 450 people die a day (19 an hour) from lung cancer. I haven't been touched by lung cancer. To stay healthy, I don't smoke and I try to exercise.

AmyLynn said...

I now follow on twitter. hillfam2005

Lorie Shewbridge said...


My dad died from lung cancer on 3/10/07, he would have been 69 yrs. old on 5/21.

I've recently had spinal surgery, but I'm working my way back up to walking every day to stay healthy and keep my lungs strong.

TPQ said...

"It is estimated that 60% of new lung cancer diagnoses will be in non-smokers - a combination of 45-50% former smokers (many who quit 10, 20, even 30 years prior to the onset of lung cancer) and approximately 15% of people who have never smoked."

I had no idea that it was so high for this group.

I haven't been touched by lung cancer, but have by others.

I was around second hand smoke my whole young life, but I avoid it at all costs now. Hoping that's enough to keep me and my children healthy.

TPQ said...

I follow you on twitter I'm @kendrabowling

TPQ said...

I am part of your facebook group Kendra Bowling

TPQ said...

tweeted about the giveaway

TPQ said...

I have your button on my blog kendrabowling.blogspot.com

CrystesMom said...

19 people die from lung cancer per hour!I lost a beloved uncle from lung cancer a few years ago; still difficult for me to discuss it. I've smoked for 42 years and am trying desperately to stop. Wish me luck!

disneyfanheather said...

I learned that one in 13 men and one in 16 women will develop lung cancer in their lifetime. This includes smokers and non-smokers. (American Cancer Society)

I haven't been touched by lung cancer. I try to eat healthy, exercise, and I don't smoke.

Nicole said...

tweeted nickelpicklemom

Joe said...

tweeted. 1amypugmire is my username. don't know how to link. amsbolda@hotmail.com