I just finished reading Attached at the Heart by Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker, co-Founders of Attachment Parenting International, and I have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! FINALLY we have some solid evidence and stories to back up what many of us have known for years about Attachment Parenting and staying close to our children. The best thing, perhaps, about this book is that there aren't any definitive "you must do this to be a good parent" messages in this book, as you find with so many other "parenting" books.
Even if you don't completely identify with or label yourself as "Attachment Parenting", this book offers tons of wonderful stories from parents and the message throughout the book is to trust yourself as a parent and remember that you know your babies and children better than anyone else and that YOU know instinctively what they need and when you follow your instincts, you become more connected to your children throughout their lives. This book is a must-read for anyone even thinking about having children. I actually found it quite relevent even to parenting my teenager, so this is not just a book for those practicing the "7 Baby B's", but for parents with children of all ages. You can get this in paperback AND Kindle (links below).
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